條款及細則- CUBE MAGIC 網站

您可在本頁找到CUBE MAGIC網站條款及細則的標準版。請注意條款及細則可因國家及地區不同而有所差別。
CUBE MAGIC網站條款及細則如下:







非授權轉載的資料不可使用CUBE MAGIC商標


Copyright © CUBE MAGIC ENTERTAINMENT 版權所有,不得轉載。


'CUBE MAGIC', CUBE', CUBE MAGIC ENTERTAINMENT', ‘CUBE MAGIC HAND’, ‘CUBE MAGIC' 是CUBE MAGIC HK 或任何一間CUBE MAGIC集團旗下的公司於至少一個管轄區內註冊的商標。CUBE MAGIC並沒有發放任何供使用這些商標的牌照。如沒有書面許可,這些商標於任何情況下均不可被複製、下載、再做、使用、修改或發佈(除了那些被授權組成CUBE MAGIC網頁部分的資料,如之前的段落) 。




CUBE MAGIC歡迎及感謝您的意見及建議,惟抱歉未能逐一回覆每個意見。CUBE MAGIC可自由使用或處理您提供的任何資料及意見。


CUBE MAGIC在本網站提供互動功能,以方便您使用,例如貨件追蹤及用戶意見。除獲授權在指定的用途使用這些功能外,您不可使用這些功能作其他用途。


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在法律允許的最大範圍內,在任何情況下,無論是根據擔保、合同、侵權行為或其他任何法律理論,亦無論 CUBE MAGIC 是否被告知有此類損害之可能,CUBE MAGIC 、CUBE MAGIC聯屬公司及其許可方或本站點提及的其他第三方均不對由於本站點、CUBE MAGIC系統或者包含在站點中的服務、內容或資訊的使用、無法使用或使用結果而造成的任何損害負責,包括但不限於因利潤損失、資料丟失或業務中斷所造成的損害。在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,並不對上述內容構成限制,閣下同意在任何情況下,無論是根據合同、侵權行為或其他,亦無論起訴或索賠的方式,CUBE MAGIC對任何損壞(直接或非直接)或者丟失承擔的全部責任不超過100港元。在法律允許的最大範圍內,在這些使用條款及細則中為閣下陳述的補救條款將被排除並受限於這些使用條款及細則中的明示內容。


除非書面同意,在該等網頁中提及的運輸產品和服務均受CUBE MAGIC標準運輸條款及細則規限。因為產品與服務視寄件國家而異,所以敬請與最近的CUBE MAGIC服務中心聯絡,以獲得當地條款及細則的副本。並非所有CUBE MAGIC產品與服務在全部國家都提供。


由訪問者向CUBE MAGIC網頁提供的所有信息都將被視為保密信息,除非由於提供服務所需,CUBE MAGIC將不會將該等資訊向任何第三方披露。

Terms and Conditions – CUBE MAGIC Website

On this page, you will find a standard version of the CUBE MAGIC Website Terms and Conditions. Please note that different terms and conditions may apply in certain countries.
The Terms and Conditions of use of the CUBE MAGIC Website are as follows:


The copyright in this publication is owned by CUBE MAGIC ENTERTAINMENT.
It incorporates portions of existing copyrighted material owned by CUBE MAGIC ENTERTAINMENT. and is used here with permission.

Authorization to Reproduce

Any person may reproduce any portion of the material in these web pages subject to the following conditions:

The material may be used for information and non-commercial purposes only

It may not be modified in any way

No unauthorized copy is made of any CUBE MAGIC trademark

Any copy of any portion of the material must include the following copyright notice:
Copyright © CUBE MAGIC ENTERTAINMENT. All Rights Reserved.

CUBE MAGIC Trademarks

'CUBE MAGIC', CUBE', CUBE MAGIC ENTERTAINMENT', ‘CUBE MAGIC HAND’, ‘CUBE MAGIC' is CUBE MAGIC HK or any other company of Deutsche Post CUBE MAGIC group, registered in at least one jurisdiction. No license to use any of these trademarks is given or implied. These trademarks may not be copied, downloaded, reproduced, used, modified or distributed in any way (except as an integral part of an authorized copy of material appearing in these web pages, as set forth in the previous section paragraph) without prior written permission.

Other Trademarks and Trade names

All other trademarks or trade names referred to in these materials are the property of their respective owners.

Your Comments

CUBE MAGIC wants your feedback and appreciates your ideas and suggestions but is unable to answer every comment individually. CUBE MAGIC will be free to use and act on any information you submit.

Use of interactive features on this site

For your convenience, CUBE MAGIC may provide interactive features on this site, such as access to tracking and user comments. You are authorized to use these features solely for the purposes specified and for no other purposes.

Accuracy of this site

These web pages may contain inadvertent inaccuracies or typographical errors. These will be corrected at CUBE MAGIC’s discretion, as they are found. The information on these web pages is updated regularly, but inaccuracies may remain or occur where changes occur between updates. The Internet is maintained independently at multiple sites around the world and some of the information accessed through these web pages may originate outside of CUBE MAGIC. CUBE MAGIC excludes any obligation or responsibility for this content.


CUBE MAGIC makes all reasonable attempts to exclude viruses from these web pages, but it cannot ensure this exclusion and no liability is accepted for viruses. Please take all appropriate safeguards before downloading information from these web pages.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The services, the content and the information on this website are provided on an "as is" basis. CUBE MAGIC, to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third parties rights and fitness for a particular purpose. CUBE MAGIC, its affiliates and licensors make no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, security or timeliness of the services, content or information provided on or through the CUBE MAGIC web site or systems. No information obtained via the CUBE MAGIC systems or website shall create any warranty not expressly stated by CUBE MAGIC in these terms and conditions.

Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations of implied warranties, so the limitations and exclusions in this section may not apply to you. If you are dealing as a consumer, these provisions do not affect your statutory rights that cannot be waived, if any. You agree and acknowledge that the limitations and exclusions of liability and warranty provided in these terms and conditions are fair and reasonable.

Limitation of Liability

To the extent permitted by law, in no event shall CUBE MAGIC, its affiliates or licensors or any third parties mentioned at the CUBE MAGIC website be liable for any incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive and consequential damages, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption resulting from the use of or inability to use the CUBE MAGIC website and CUBE MAGIC systems, services, content or information whether based on warranty, contract, tort, delict, or any other legal theory, and whether or not CUBE MAGIC is advised of the possibility of such damages. Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that in no event shall CUBE MAGIC's total liability for any damages (direct or otherwise) or loss regardless of the form of action or claim, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, exceed EUR 100.00. To the extent permitted by law, the remedies stated for you in these terms and conditions are exclusive and are limited to those expressly provided for in these terms and conditions.

Products and Services

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the transportation products and services mentioned in these web pages are subject to CUBE MAGIC’s Terms and Conditions of carriage. Since these may vary depending on location of the country of origin of the shipment, please contact the nearest CUBE MAGIC service center to obtain a copy of the local terms and conditions. Not all of CUBE MAGIC’s products and services may be available in every country.

Disclosure of Information

All information provided to CUBE MAGIC by visitors to these web pages is considered to be confidential and will not be disclosed by CUBE MAGIC to any third party except as may be required for the provision of the services.